A few weeks ago I resolved to write down happy things in a journal given to me by my sister. I would like to say that yes, I have been diligent about writing in it (almost) daily. I'm up to 40-something, which averages out to about 2 a day since the inception. I'm not quite up to the 3-a-day goal, and I'm certainly not making up for the first 21 days of January that I missed, but I'm very glad to report that the underlying purpose of this book is succeeding. I'm beginning to truly focus on the happiness in my life!
Let me tell you, this hasn't been the easiest three weeks to focus on the good, either. Isn't that always the way it works? Some personal things have happened in the past few weeks that have hit me hard. No matter how crappy the day has been, or how defeated I feel at the end of the day, I have been overjoyed when I've been able to look at my happy journal and think of the happy things that have gone on, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. So despite whatever emotional blows I've suffered that day, I've been able to fall asleep thinking about those things that lifted my spirits.
I highly recommend this practice, and I vow to update you every once in a while on how my journal-ing is going.
Not a great (or flattering) picture, but a happy moment when both my babies wanted to snuggle with Momma. |
I leave you with a few quotes about happiness that make me happy:
"Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad." - Norm Papernick
"Some pursue happiness, others create it." - Unknown
Do you have any quotes/poems/snippets of happiness to share? I'd love to hear them!