14 March 2012

REPEAT Update & Back to the Diamonds

A very heartfelt Thanks to everyone who encouraged me in the REPEAT contest. Sadly, I didn't make the cut, but they had a large pool of very talented people apply. The 10 finalists have amazing pieces in their portfolios, and they clearly deserved a spot.

I'm really looking forward to following the contest and gleaning expertise from the contestants. Who knows, maybe with a little attention and practice I can pull together a stronger portfolio for the next opportunity!

If you want to follow the contest, ThePrintedBolt.com is hosting. The first challenge is "Tiny Dwellings".  Huh? Huh? Enough to draw you in??

Okily dokily, onto my BIG NEWS!  I'm done, Done, DONE with my Parisville Diamonds quilt.

And guess what.

I love it.  It's bright and noisy and happy.

And it's done. Done. Done. Done. I don't think I can say that enough. It's done.

Too bad it's raining/snowing/hailing to damn hard outside to get some good shots, so I have some crappy pictures I took with my phone then tried to edit-up. I promise, as soon as I can catch a dry spell, I'll take a few good pictures to show off.

The yellows are more mustard than this picture indicates.

I love the mix of colors.

Robin's Egg Blue Grunge Solid by Reily Blake for the background.

I had to show off the cameos!

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