15 February 2011

Never knew I could feel like this. Like I've never seen the sky before.

I'm not sure I've said before on this blog that I am the mother of two wonderful toddlers.  One is 2-1/2 and the other is 11 months.  Both are curious, happy little spitfires, showing so much interest in the world around them and wanting so badly to be independent.  My biggest challenge these days is guiding these little people and ensuring they learn to channel their big personalities in good, productive means.

I cannot say, though, that I am the one doing the teaching.  They see the world in a way that makes me see it again for the first time. 

Why is the ocean grey today when it was green yesterday? 

Why do we call Firs trees when they look nothing like the Japanese Maple tree in our front yard?

Look how shiny and pretty quarters are!  I could put this in my mouth!

This oatmeal would would arguably be better on my head then in my tummy!

So many of the small (and not so small) joys in my life come directly from these kiddos.  They have enabled me to see the world as expansive and beautiful and full of promise once again. 

Thank you, F & E!  Momma loves you both oh so much.

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